General information about the club's activities for children and young people

Kajaanin Haka's Nappula activity, which operates all year round, is intended for 3-13-year-olds.

The activity inspires to move and develops the child's motor skills in a versatile way. The exercises are designed for each age stage and take into account the stages of sensitivity of different ages to learning new things.

Those interested in targeted training can switch to the age-specific team activity managed by the club's junior division through a coach. There are teams in every age group up to the 17-year-old team.

The goal of Kajaanin Haka is to get more enthusiasts into the sport and at the same time improve the quality of operations and coaching. The Nappula-unit is responsible for the organization and implementation of the activities offered to children and young people in the area.

The school cooperation includes VälituntiFutis activity, where we come to school and play soccer during school recess. We also provide the nationwide Harrastamisen Suomen Malli activity in school premises after school hours. All of this is free of charge.

In summer we offer e.g LähialueFutis (neighborhood soccer) activity in Kajaani. We offer regional football during June-July in the mornings in four local areas in Kajaani. In Lohtaja, Lehtikangas, Nakertaja and Kättö. The activity is intended for 5-7- and 8–10-year-olds.

Especially for those who sign up for Nappula Activities – (Nappulatoiminta in Finnish)

It's great that you are signing up for Kajaanin Haka Nappula Activities! Please read the information below carefully before registering.

Nappula Activity is the first step in Kajaanin Haka's player path and the purpose of the activity is to move and have fun through joy and with football. Age-specific competition teams are created from the hobby groups. Kajaanin Haka Nappula activities has a long tradition. 3-year-olds can start playing soccer together with a parent at PerheFutis once a week.

Four teams practice twice a week:

For those born in 2018/2019–2016/2017–2014/2015–2011/2013. The second training session is PeliPäivä (GameDay) when we get to play and show our skills on the field.

Additional information:

Aake Raudaskoski (PerheFutis and Nappulat), or Toni Soini (Naperot) p. 040 5534 750

The club's coaching manager Karri Hentilä p. 040 534 3049

Summer training times

The PerheFutis group (for 3-4-year-olds and their parents) practices once a week. Practices are on the Harjunkadun kenttä on Tuesdays: 16:45-17:30.

Pikku-Naperot for 5–6-year-olds Tuesdays from 17:30 to 18:30 on the Harjunkadun kenttä + Game Day on Wednesdays from 17 to 18 on the Liikuntapuisto.

Isot-Naperot for 7–8-year-olds Mondays from 17:00 to 18:30 on the Vimpelin hiekkanurmi + Game Day on Wednesdays from 17:00 to 18:00 on the Liikuntapuisto.

Pikku-Nappulat for 9–10-year-olds on Mondays from 17:00 to 18:00 on the Harjukadun kenttä + Game Day on Wednesdays from 17 to 18 on the Liikuntapuisto.

Isot-Nappulat for 11–12-year-olds Thursdays from 17:00 to 18:00 on the Harjukadun kenttä + Game Day on Wednesdays from 17:00 to 18:00 on the Liikuntapuisto.

Naperot and Nappulat train for 60 minutes with their group and participate in a game day organized once a week (60 minutes), where they get a first feel for the best part of the sport, i.e. playing and competing. The game day is a particularly popular event and dozens of children participate every Wednesday.

Nappula activities are year-round, and the bigger teams get to compete in the Kainuun Nappulaliiga tournaments in the summer. We want our activities to enable entry with a low threshold, and the child has the opportunity to practice according to their level.

You can register below for August-September. (registrations for the October-January period open in mid-September)

The registration forms


The information is transferred to the Pelipaikka -register maintained by the Football Association of Finland to be able to acquire game passes and possible insurance.

- PerheFutis is invoiced in 2-month periods = €25 including Nappula pass, one training session per week, coaching, and ball hall (Pallohalli) fee. The fee covers management costs, use of fields, block pass (SPL), and administrative costs. There is no sibling discount.

- Other groups (from 5 to 12-year-olds) in 2-month periods = €50 includes Nappula pass, two training sessions per week, coaching, and ball hall (Pallohalli) fee. The fee covers management costs, use of fields, block pass (SPL), and administrative costs. There is no sibling discount.

- The payment is made online right at the end of the registration form. Note If you do not proceed to the payment stage in the form, the registration will not be registered.

- You can order the jersey/outfit from the club's online store.

- The player pays the club's membership fee of €20. The membership fee is billed once a year.


- If you are new to the group, you can try it out with the group for two weeks. Register with this form only when you know you will commit to the activity.

- Free trials only apply to new hobbyists who have not practiced before.

- If the player quits in the middle of the billing period, the payment will not be refunded.

- The membership fee is non-refundable

- In cases of illness or longer absences, the hobby fee will not be refunded

If you do not have insurance covering your hobby (home insurance, etc.), you can contact our office at Through the club, you can take out a separate insurance for the child, the Football Association.

You can also make an appointment to have your insurance coverage updated using the contact form of our partner LähiTapiola Kainuu-Koillismaa. When you fill out the contact form via the link below, you will raise money for our club's junior activities!

Link to LähiTapiola's contact form

Kajaanin Haka ry

Kalliokatu 7 (käynti koivukoskenkadulta)


Puh. 08 629 870